Saturday 2 March 2019

What is LPG Vaporizer & Why it is needed?

What is LPG Vaporizer & Why it is needed?

In the global markets, the prices of fuels keep fluctuating. Cost reduction through LPG vaporizers can be invaluable for businesses with LPG applications. Also, the mechanism provided by LPG vaporizer manufacturers helps in safer consumption of LPG.

Liquefied Petroleum gases such as commercial propane or commercial butane are stored in the liquid state with the help of pressure control. But they need heat (energy) to change effectively into a gaseous state for safe consumption.

Insufficient heat due to insufficient vapour pressure can lead to wastage of the gas and result in system inefficiencies. That’s one of the reasons why LPG vaporizers exist. Read on to find out more.

To begin with, what exactly is an LPG vaporizer?
Simply put, it is a boiler through which LPG enters as a liquid and comes out as a gas. There’s more to a vaporizer. But, before that, let’s understand how the phase change works for LP gases.

To be able to use an LP gas which is in its liquid form, it needs to be moved from its storage vessel. Natural vaporization depends on ambient temperature and the tank specifications. The heat and heat transfer area of the tank affects the natural vaporization process. Also, if the gas consuming equipment doesn’t receive adequate vapor, it may not function properly.

LPG vaporizer manufacturers study the vaporizer efficiencies required by a plant and accordingly build a favorable mechanical system for industrial applications.

If vaporization isn’t consistent then…
You may come across frost on your tank which isn’t a good indication. The frost line is created due to a refrigeration effect that takes place when you consume the gas rapidly with a certain level of humidity.

Here, the heat that your system is providing for phase change is less than the actual heat being used for converting the liquid to vapor. The pressure reduction that takes place in the process leads to the refrigeration effect. Vapor pressure is affected due to this and managing your equipment can become difficult if there is a frost layer on the tank.

Generally, you would do the following for sufficient vaporization: 

Use additional storage tanks for increasing the vaporization capacity.
Increase the wetted surface area by trying to keep your tank full or increasing the size of your tank.
Try to work in compliance with laws and regulations that limit storage capacity in specific regions.

The difference an LPG vaporizer makes… A heaterless LPG vaporizer uses a heat exchanger to maintain the constant ambient temperature and required pressure in the system.
You can boost the capacity of your system with no need of adding extra tanks.
Use 100% of LPG in your tank and build a cost-efficient system.
Prevent situations such as re-condensation of vapor, tank “freeze-ups” etc.
Ensure continuous supply of vapor at temperatures below -40 Degrees Celsius.

What else does an LPG vaporizer do? You can reduce the electrical expense and carbon footprint due to the loss of energy that takes place because of conventional processes. Since there is no electrical heater involved in modern LPG vaporizers, you do not have to deal with the issue of a frequent electric heater failure.

Explore heaterless vaporizers that require low maintenance which makes it convenient to manage the system. If you are looking for a cost-efficient LPG vaporization solution, an innovative dry electrical vaporizer such as DRI-VAPO can be a smart option. DRI-VAPO utilizes an innovative technology for LPG vaporization that eliminates the need for using water or thermostat.

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