Wednesday 12 December 2018

Everything You Need To Know About the LPG Vaporizers

LPG vaporizers are among the essential mechanical components for a number of commercial and industrial applications. Let’s get a basic understanding of the need for a LPG vaporizer, how it works, safety measures and other facts about LPG vaporizers.
Why do we need a LPG vaporizer?
Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG is a mixture of hydrocarbons, generally, propane and butane. LPG vapor is much denser than atmospheric air on earth and can easily catch fire. When exposed to air, LPG can be extremely harmful. Any leakage of the gas during storage or transportation can be risky so it is stored and transported in the liquid form.
The gas is generally stored under pressure in liquid form in a container. For safer consumption of LPG, its liquid form is converted into the gaseous form only when needed using a LPG vaporizer. The vaporization rate differs depending on the gas consuming equipment and the amount of vapor required to serve the purpose for the desired application.
Additionally, the vaporization of a compound depends on its chemical characteristics. External elements such as heat, atmospheric pressure, etc. can impact the chemical characteristics of LPG that lead to the changing phases from liquid to gas.
How an LPG vaporizer works?
A LPG vaporizer is basically a boiler or heat exchanger that is connected to LPG systems where the end user can utilize the LPG after the liquid to gas phase change takes place in the LPG vaporizer component.
ReputedLPG vaporizer manufacturers produce vaporizers that can handle large quantities of LPG and are designed to meet the requirements for a variety of applications. Vaporizers can be connected using safety relief valves to control huge amounts of LPG every hour without the need for investing in a large number of tanks. LPG filling stations installation is all that is required for supplying LPG to a huge area such as a residential complex or a commercial zone.
Hazards due to leakage can be prevented in the LPG pipeline as the gas is formed only after the liquid passes through the LPG vaporizer. Vaporizers also ensure zero wastage of the LPG and lead to cost savings.
Safety precautions in LPG Vaporizers
It is a fact that LPG, when exposed to air through possible leakages, can be catastrophic. Water is heated in the LPG Vaporizer to generate heat for a phase change. The electrical parts used in the vaporizer are safely placed in a flameproof enclosure. To ensure safety, LPG Vaporizer manufacturers include high-quality safety valves that stop the LPG liquid supply if the water temperature in the vaporizer falls below a set temperature. In case, the water temperature gets past a set temperature, the water heater connection is immediately cut off.
Established LPG vaporizer manufacturers have the capabilities to customize standard LPG vaporizers and offer tailored components as per the specific project requirements of clients.
Interested in knowing more about LPG vaporizers, LPG tank installation or LPG filling stations installation? AEPL, a trusted name among the leading LPG Vaporizer manufacturers in India can assist you. Contact the AEPL Experts at

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